TRAVEL: Hawaii, The Wedding Part 1

Earlier this month, I attended a wedding in Hawaii. I tell people all the time that I don’t think highly of the institution of marriage — but I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed as my friends were making their vows. Despite the modern day controversies over weddings, it is hard to deny how beautiful the symbolism of true love between two people… whether they are man/woman, man/man or woman/woman.

Kauai, Day #2

On our first day on Kauai island, we enjoyed the closest beach to our resort. The photo above is of me and my good friend and adopted-sister, Marie. We had gone to Bologna, Italy earlier in the year and now it seems we’re destined to take a lot of “romantic” trips together.

Kauai, Day #2

Irene and Marie

I love these girls. I love my adopted family.

Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck

We tried the Kauai Food Truck, which wasn’t the best — in my opinion. Savage Shrimp had much better shrimp dishes. It was fun to hit up a food truck though. It seems shrimp food trucks are popular in Hawaii.

Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food TruckIMG_1481 Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck Kauai, Day #2 - Kauai Food Truck

The wedding took place at Haena Beach Park, which was absolutely stunning. Such a perfect back drop to the perfect wedding. From our resort, it was a long drive to the park — an estimated hour and a half according to online directions. We didn’t take into account that there are no highways on this island. All the roads were small and the way up to the park was narrow and winding! We were about half an hour late to the the wedding time but turned out, we arrived at the same time as the groom and the bride showed up even later. Whew! We were so afraid on the drive up that we would miss it all completely.

Jon and Sun's Wedding

Jon and Sun's Wedding

The ceremony was rather short and sweet.

Jon and Sun's Wedding

Despite the simplicity, it was one of the most gorgeous ceremonies I’ve ever been to. They didn’t have a wedding party and the groom was wearing board shorts! I love it. I’ve never seen either of them as happy as they were that day.

Jon and Sun's Wedding

Here’s me posing before the wedding started.
Jon and Sun's Wedding

Jon and Sun's Wedding

Jon and Sun's Wedding

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